That's a bit clearer, thanks. So as long as you're repentant, it doesn't matter
what you do (as long as it's not apostate stuff?)
does a criminal conviction, say for fraud, render one disfellowshipped?.
just had some rather disturbing news about a so-called jw relative.... .
That's a bit clearer, thanks. So as long as you're repentant, it doesn't matter
what you do (as long as it's not apostate stuff?)
does a criminal conviction, say for fraud, render one disfellowshipped?.
just had some rather disturbing news about a so-called jw relative.... .
Does a criminal conviction, say for fraud, render one disfellowshipped?
Just had some rather disturbing news about a so-called JW relative...
you promise us audio from zone meeting.
you change your mind?.
It's almost embarassing to be American right now. Everytime I see that clip of Perry
at the debate last night I cringe. Cain makes my skin crawl and Bachman terrifies me.
Anyone else feel the same?
of course, i would be very surprised if the watchtower society ever retracted or apologised for anything.
still, it could gain a lot of publicity and put pressure on them to curb their hate speech.
if they refuse to apologise, it could demonstrate that those statements were intentional and not just a slip of the printing press.
All I can think of is this George Orwell quote from 1984 regaring the JW masses...
"until they become conscious they well never rebel, and after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious."
i think it may be a good time to start writing to other publications with some of the outlandish.
jw doctrines...higher education is one thing that comes to mind.
I think it may be a good time to start writing to other publications with some of the outlandish
JW doctrines...higher education is one thing that comes to mind.
here is a quote from a ex-jw about this subject, i myself had alot of pressure from my family to get baptised and finally gave in at 14, wish i had left them a present on the way out of the pool that the dudley assembley hall .
i can't justify my entire family (parents, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandma) and friends shunning me because i chose not to uphold a dedication i made at twelve years old.
sure it was my "choice" to get baptized.
I never did. I knew from the age of six that I was going to escape as soon as I could. My sister got
baptised when she was 16. I tried to talk her out of it but couldn't. I just ignored all the comments.
minnesota rep. michele bachmann won a test vote of iowans on saturday, a show of strength five months before the state's caucuses kick off the gop presidential nominating season.. the result is the first indication of what iowans think of the field of republicans competing for the chance to challenge president barack obama next fall.
but it's hardly predictive of who will win the winter iowa contest, much less the party nod or the white house.. well... there goes the neighborhood....
Is it me or is Michele Bachman really scary???
the down side of having a name like raveen is that names don't mean anything to me.
all people become nothing... any odd name people undesrsand?
i was called she... you... not my name for most of my life... that made me not care what your name was.... so i don't know people i want to know!!!
I always like my name, Diana. My middle name is Leigh. My mum said she took it off an old
stove she was standing at when she was pregnant with me. I was called Di before it became fashionable!
so during my research on the wts, i stubled across a link to the july 15th watchtower.. .
i'm assuming that the study editions are the ones that they only give to members/ those who attend meetings.. .
Running Duma??? Wtf? Who goes to the movies in a skirt like that anyway?
i just met a lady that is just okay looking and she has a female relative that is a very hot celebrity.
i would love to meet her thru her.
am i that bad?
Wait a minute here...aren't you the one the posted the too much cleavage thing? Is this
another one??? How old are you?